- 办公技巧
- 2023-08-09 10:18:56
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How can working at home improve work efficiency?
During the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia epidemic, many companies started working from home to reduce the risk of infection on commuting. But how can working from home improve work efficiency? British independent newspaper interviewed Karen El-White, the founder of GoDo business organization and productivity trainer, and asked her to talk about how to maximize the efficiency of working from home.
Distinguish between work and home mode
El White said that slowly moving from bed to sofa five minutes before work is one of the biggest benefits of working from home, and may also be the biggest challenge.
Don’t forget that you ’re at work—so pack yourself up, get dressed, brush your teeth after getting up, instead of sitting in pajamas for 8 hours. She said: "To switch from home mode to work mode" is to do something to "touch the changeover switch".
She said: "Walk around the block, make a special tea, or light a candle on your table. It doesn't matter what you do, but you must build a strong association in your mind."
Be realistic about what you can achieve
"When working from home, the open environment is full of possibilities. 145 to-do items? No problem! Don't fall into the trap of being too ambitious," El-White said.
On the contrary, she suggested to be realistic, so that you may achieve more goals than pre-set, and you will feel satisfied, not disappointed because you did not complete all the matters.
She suggested choosing three to five things to do and strive to complete most of the work before lunch. She suggested: "We will all enter the burnout period around 3 pm, and having done most of the things will make you more energetic."
Don’t forget to take breaks
It is difficult to get away from the computer when working at home, because you are worried that others will think you are lazy, but this does not mean that you should not rest. El White said: "Being comfortable at home doesn't mean you don't need a proper rest."
"Leave your desk for lunch, use your time at home to walk the dog, and spend half an hour cleaning the room in the afternoon. The next time, you will feel refreshed and more efficient."
Also make sure that you have time to make delicious meals and drink water regularly instead of snacking all day long and then suddenly hypoglycemia at 3 pm.
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