- 办公技巧
- 2023-08-10 00:31:09
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中英文近1.2万字,word 文档。
目录 Table of contents
Section I General Terms of Contract
1. 一般约定 General Agreement
2. 合同范围 Scope of Contract
3. 合同价格与支付
Contract Price and Payment
4. 包装、标记、运输和交付.
Packaging, Marking, Transportation and Delivery
5. 检验和验收
Inspection and Acceptance
6. 相关服务 Related Services
7. 质量保证期 Warranty Period
8. 履约保证金 Bid Bond
9. 保证 Guarantee
10. 违约责任 Liability for Breach
11. 合同的解除
Rescission of Contract
12. 争议的解决
Settlement of Disputes
Section 2 Particular Terms of Contract
Section III Format of Contract Annexes
4.4 交付 Delivery
Unless otherwise stipulated in the particular conditions of the contract, the seller shall, in accordance with the delivery time and batch as stipulation herein, effect delivery of the contract material to the buyer after unloading at the construction site. The buyer shall issue a receipt list after checking the appearance and number of packaged contract material delivered by the seller. The receipt list issued by the buyer does not represent acceptance of the contract material, and the parties shall also carry out subsequent inspection and acceptance as stipulated in the contract.
4.4.2 合同材料的所有权和风险自交付时起由卖方转移至买方,合同材料交付给买方之前包括运输在内的所有风险均由卖方承担。
The ownership and risks of the contract material shall be transferred from the seller to the buyer on the time of delivery, and all risks including transportation shall be borne by the seller before the contract material is delivered to the buyer.
4.4.3 除专用合同条款另有约定外,买方如果发现技术资料存在短缺和(或)损坏,卖方应在收到买方的通知后 7 日内免费补齐短缺和(或)损坏的部分。如果买方发现卖方提供的技术资料有误,卖方应在收到买方通知后 7 日内免费替换。如由于买方原因导致技术资料丢失和(或)损坏,卖方应在收到买方的通知后 7 日内补齐丢失和(或)损坏的部分,但买方应向卖方支付合理的复制、邮寄费用。
Unless otherwise stipulated in the particular conditions hereof, if the buyer finds any shortage and/or damage of technical data, the seller shall make up for shortages and / or damaged parts free of charge within 7 days upon receipt of the buyer's notice. If the buyer finds any wrong with the technical information provided by the seller, the seller shall replace the same free of charge within 7 days after receiving the buyer's notice. If the technical data are lost and/or damaged due to the buyer's reason, the seller shall make up the lost and/or damaged part within 7 days after receiving the buyer's notice, however, the buyer shall pay the seller reasonable duplication and mailing costs.
5. 检验和验收 Inspection and acceptance
5.1 合同材料交付前,卖方应对其进行全面检验,并在交付合同材料时向买方提交
The seller shall, prior to delivery of the contract materials, conduct comprehensive inspection and submit the certificate of quality conformity of contract materials to the buyer at the time of delivery thereof.
5.2 合同材料交付后,买方应在专用合同条款约定的期限内安排对合同材料的规格、质量等进行检验,检验按照专用合同条款约定的下列一种方式进行:
The buyer shall, subsequent to delivery of the contract materials, arrange the specifications the quality of the contract materials within the time limit specified in the terms of the special contract, which to be carried out in the following manner as stipulated in the particular conditions hereof.
(1)由买方对合同材料进行检验; The contract material is inspected by the buyer;
The qualified third-party inspection agency as stipulated in the particular conditions hereof make inspection of the contract materials;
Other methods as stipulated in the particular conditions hereof
5.3 买方应在检验日期3 日前将检验的时间和地点通知卖方,卖方应自负费用派遣代表
The buyer shall, 3 days before the date of the inspection, notify the seller of the time and place of the inspection, and the seller shall send its representative at his own expense to take participation of the inspection. If the seller fails to attend the inspection according to the buyer's notice, the inspection may proceed normally and the seller shall accept the inspection results of the contract materials.
5.4 合同材料经检验合格,买卖双方应签署合同材料验收证书一式二份,双方各持一份。
If the contract materials pass the inspection, the buyer and the seller shall sign certificate of the contract material acceptance in duplicate and each party shall hold one copy.
5.5 若合同约定了合同材料的最低质量标准,且合同材料经检验达到了合同约定的最低质量标准的,视为合同材料符合质量标准,买方应验收合同材料,但卖方应按专用合同条款的约定进行减价或向买方支付补偿金。
provided that the minimum quality standard of the contract material is the contract stipulated herein and the contract material has reached the minimum quality standard stipulated herein, the buyer shall accept the contract material, however, the seller shall reduce the price or pay compensation to the buyer in accordance with the provision of the particular conditions.
5.6 合同材料由第三方检验机构进行检验的,第三方检验机构的检验结果对双方均具有约束力。
If the contract materials are inspected by a third-party inspection agency, the inspection results thereof shall binding on both parties.
5.7 除专用合同条款另有约定外,买方在全部合同材料交付后 3 个月内未安排检验和验收的,卖方可签署进度款支付函提交买方,如买方在收到后 7 日内未提出书面异议,则进度款支付函自签署之日起生效。进度款支付函的生效不免除卖方继续配合买方进行检验和验收的义务,合同材料验收后双方应签署合同材料验收证书。
Unless otherwise stipulated in the terms of the particular conditions, if the buyer fails to arrange inspection and acceptance within 3 months after the delivery of all the contract materials, the seller may sign the progress payment letter to the buyer, if the buyer does not file a written objection within 7 days after receipt thereof , the progress payment letter will take effect from the date of signing. The effective of the progress payment letter does not exempt the seller from continuing to cooperate with the buyer for inspection and acceptance. After acceptance of the contract materials, the parties shall sign the acceptance certificate for the contract materials.
5.8 合同材料验收证书的签署不能免除卖方在质量保证期内对合同材料应承担的保证责任。
The signing of the acceptance certificate of the contract material shall not relieve the seller of the guarantee responsibility for the contract materials during the quality guarantee period.
6. 相关服务 related services
6.1 卖方应配备充足的技术人员,并根据买方要求,通过进行电话联系或派遣技术熟练、称职的技术人员到施工场地为买方提供服务。如果卖方技术人员不合格,买方有权要求卖方撤换,因撤换而产生的费用应由卖方承担。
The seller shall be staffed with sufficient technical personnel and shall, at request of the buyer, provide services to the buyer by telephone or dispatch of skilled and competent technical personnel to the construction site. If the seller's technical personnel are incompetent, the buyer shall have the right to require the seller to replace them, and the expenses incurred as a result of the replacement thereof shall be borne by the seller.
6.2 买方应免费为卖方技术人员提供工作条件及便利,包括但不限于必要的办公场所、技术资料及出入许可等。除专用合同条款另有约定外,卖方技术人员的交通、食宿费用由卖方承担。
The buyer shall provide the seller's technical staff with working conditions and facilities free of charge, include, inter alia, to the necessary office space, technical materials and access permits. Except as otherwise stipulated in the particular conditions, the transportation, accommodation and food expenses of the seller's technical personnel shall be borne by the seller.
7. 质量保证期Quality guarantee period
7.1 除专用合同条款和(或)供货要求等合同文件另有约定外,合同材料的质量保证期自
合同材料验收之日起算,至合同材料验收证书或进度款支付函签署之日起 12 个月止(以先到的为准)。
Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract documents such as particular conditions and / or supply requirements, the quality guarantee period of the contract materials shall run from the date of acceptance of the contract materials to 12 months from the date of signing the contract material acceptance certificate or schedule payment letter, whichever is the first.
7.2 除非因买方使用不当,合同材料在质量保证期内如破损、变质或被发现存在任何质量
Unless improper use by the buyer, the contract materials are damaged, modified or found to have any quality problems during the quality guarantee period, the seller shall be responsible for repairing and replacing the contract materials. The quality guarantee period of the replaced contract materials should be recalculated.
7.3 质量保证期届满且卖方按照合同约定履行完毕质量保证期内义务后,买方应在7 日内向卖方出具合同材料的质量保证期届满证书。
The buyer shall, within 7 days subsequent to expiration of the quality guarantee period and completion of the seller's obligations within the quality guarantee period as stipulated in the contract, issue to the seller certificate of expiration of quality guarantee period of the contract materials.
8. 履约保证金 performance bond
除专用合同条款另有约定外,履约保证金自合同生效之日起生效,在合同材料验收证书或验收款支付函签署之日起 28 日后失效。如果卖方不履行合同约定的义务或其履行不符合合同的约定,买方有权扣划相应金额的履约保证金。
Except as otherwise stipulated in the particular conditions hereof, the performance bond shall take effect from the effective date of the contract and expire after 28 days from the date of signing the contract material acceptance certificate or the acceptance of the acceptance payment letter. If the seller fails to perform the contractual obligations or its performance does not comply with the contract, the buyer has the right to deduct the performance bond of the corresponding amount.
9. 保证Guarantee and warranty
9.1 卖方保证其具有完全的能力履行本合同项下的全部义务。
The buyer warrants that it has full capacity to perform all of its obligations hereunder.
9.2 卖方保证其所提供的合同材料及对合同的履行符合所有应适用的法律、行政法规、地
The seller guarantees that the contract material and the performance of the contract are in compliance with the mandatory provisions in all applicable laws, administrative regulations, local regulations, autonomous regulations and separate regulations, rules and other normative documents.
9.3 卖方保证其对合同材料的销售不损害任何第三方的合法权益和社会公众利益。任何第
The buyer warrants that its sale of the Contract Material does not prejudice the legitimate rights and interests of any third party and the public interest. Any third party will not claim rights to the contract material based on ownership, mortgage, lien or any other right or cause for seller reasons.
9.4 卖方保证合同材料符合合同约定的规格、质量标准,并且全新、完整,能够安全使用,
The seller guarantees that the contract materials comply with the specifications and quality standards stipulated in the contract and are brand new, complete and safe to use, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract documents of the particular conditions and / or supply requirement etc.
9.5 卖方保证,卖方所提供的技术资料完整、清晰、准确,符合合同约定并且能够满足买
The seller guarantees that the technical information provided by the seller is complete, unambiguous and accurate, and conform to the contract agreement and can meet the needs of the buyer in the use of the contract materials.
9.6 卖方保证,在合同材料使用寿命期内,如果卖方发现合同材料存在足以危及人身、财产安全的缺陷,卖方将及时通知买方并及时采取修补、更换等措施消除缺陷。
The seller guarantees that during the life of the design and use of the contract material, if the seller finds that the contract material has defect which sufficient to endanger the safety of the person and property due to the design, manufacture, marking and other reasons, the seller will promptly notify the buyer and take timely measures to correct, repair, replacement and other measures to eliminate the defects.
10. 违约责任Liability for breach of contract
10.1 合同一方不履行合同义务、履行合同义务不符合约定或者违反合同项下所作保证的,
Provided that one of the parties fails to perform its contractual obligations or its performance thereof fail to conform to the agreement or violates the guarantees made under the contract, it shall be liable to the other party for continuing to perform, take remedial measuresor compensation for losses.
10.2 卖方未能按时交付合同材料的,应向买方支付迟延交货违约金。卖方支付迟延交货违
If the seller fails to deliver the contract material on time, the buyer shall be paid liquidated damages for delay thereof. The seller's obligation to continue to deliver the contract materials shall not be released and discharged by the seller's payment of the liquidated damages for delay. Except as otherwise stipulated in the particular conditions, the calculation method for late delivery of liquidated damages is as follows:
Liquidated damages for delay = amount of delayed delivery of materials × 0.08% × days of delayed delivery.
迟延交付违约金的最高限额为合同价格的 10%。
The maximum amount of liquidated damages for delay is 10% of the contract price.
10.3 买方未能按合同约定支付合同价款的,应向卖方支付延迟付款违约金。除专用合同条
迟延付款违约金的总额不得超过合同价格的 10%。
Where the buyer fails to pay the contract price as stipulated in the contract, the seller shall be paid a late payment penalty. Except as otherwise stipulated in the particular conditions, the calculation method for late payment of liquidated damages is as follows:
Liquidated damages for deferred payment = delayed payment amount × 0.08% × deferred payment days.
The total amount of liquidated damages for late payment shall not exceed 10% of the contract price.
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