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办公技巧组合素描入门书籍(好书有售|瓦勒里欧·奥加提 建筑素描|El Croquis 156 Olgiati)

  • 叁碗诸角 叁碗诸角
  • 办公技巧
  • 2023-08-28 20:57:47
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瓦勒里欧·奥加提 建筑素描

El Croquis 156 Valerio Olgiati 1996 2011



尺寸:24 x 34 cm

Valerio Olgiati

Valerio Olgiati(生于 1958 年)在苏黎世的 ETH 学习建筑,最初在苏黎世生活和工作了几年,后来又在洛杉矶生活和工作了几年。1996 年,他在苏黎世开设了自己的工作室,并于 2008 年与妻子 Tamara Olgiati 在弗利姆斯开设了自己的事务所。

目包括 Paspels 的一所学校、Flims 的考马湖项目、Scharans 的 Bardill 工作室、Zernez 瑞士国家公园的游客中心、位于采尔马特海拔 3100 米的白色混凝土投影室 Gornergrat、Olgiati 自己的办公室 Flims,洛桑的 EPFL 学习中心,以及库尔格劳宾登州议会大楼的新入口。还包括一个图像自传的重要图像储存在 Olgiatis 的脑海中 。

Valerio Olgiati (b 1958) studied architecture at ETH in Zürich and lived and worked first in Zürich and later in Los Angeles for some years. In 1996 he opened his own practice in Zürich and in 2008 with his wife Tamara Olgiati in Flims.

Projects include a school in Paspels, the Lake Cauma Project in Flims, the Bardill Studio in Scharans, the Visiting Center of the Swiss National Park in Zernez, the white concrete Projection Room Gornergrat located 3100 meter above sea level in Zermatt, Olgiatis own office in Flims, the Learning Center EPFL in Lausanne, and the new entrance of the Grisons Parliament Building in Chur. Also includes an iconographic autobiography of important images stored in Olgiatis head. Interview with Olgiati by Markus Breitschmid .



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