- 办公技巧
- 2023-09-03 15:43:26
- 0
Before the Interview 面试前
Pay attention to your dressing:If you don't own any professional attire,then it's time to invest in some grown-up clothing(jeans and t-shirts don't belong to this category,neither do dresses).
pay attention to 注意 , attire 服装, invest in 在...上投资, grown-up 成熟的, belong to 属于
Spend some time studying the business:Most companies have a website with plenty of background information about the founders,company history,company business objectives and so on.Spend one or two hours to get familiar with the company website and do a search for press releases,new items and articles related to the business.Try to figure out where you would fit into the company and what skills you should highlight.
get familiar with 熟悉 ,search for 搜索, try to figure out 揣摩
Practice:Have a friend sit down with you for a practice interview.Have them ask you some typical interview questions and give your best answers.It's important that you practice the process of interviewing so that you are more comfortable with it.It's called practice makes perfect.
practice makes perfect 熟能生巧
During the Interview 面试中
Take care of basic manners:"Yes,sir." and "Yes,ma'ma." are appropriate unless you are instructed otherwise.Don't interrupt the interviewer and pay attention to shake hands with others.
manners 礼貌/态度, shake hands with 握手
Keep good posture:Stand up straight,walk tall and sit up straight in your chair.Don't give interviewer the impression of being lazy and apathetic.
posture 姿势, walk tall <口>挺直腰杆/理直气壮, apathetic 无感情的/冷淡的
Make eye contact:Making eye contact tells the interviewer you are sincere,confident and trustworthy.
eye contact 眼神交流, trustworthy 值得信赖
Hold some details:Stop yourself from laying out every single detail of personal situation.Personal comments are OK,but they want to know if you can do the job and if you will be a safer,better choice than other people.
After the Interview 面试后
When the interview is over,give the interviewer a polite hand-shake or a sincere "Thank you!" which shows you are a well-mannered person and further leave on the interviewer one good impression.
polite 有礼貌的,well-mannered 有礼貌的,leave on 让…留在原处
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