- 办公技巧
- 2023-09-06 07:49:40
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1.Some of our employees work so hard to keep the business running smoothly.我们的一些雇员工作十分努力以确保业务顺利进行。
2.Would you step into my office? 你能到我办公室来一趟吗?
3.This job presents many difficulties to the new recruit. 这件工作对新手来说困难重重。New recruit: 新手,新招聘人员
4.Apart from environmental factors, there are many financial issues need to be overcome. 除了环境因素外,还有许多财务问题需要克服。apart from除……之外
5.This job is an ideal match for my skills and experience.这份工作与我的专长和经验完美匹配。
6.The decision is in the hands of manager Jack.决定权掌握在经理杰克的手中。
7.Were you responsible for the errors? 你能对这些失误负责吗?
8.Every office needs a good office assistant, and our company is no exception.每个办公室都需要一个好的办公室助理,我们公司也不例外。
9.My computer has crashed.我的电脑死机了。
10.Two clients came in with serious complaints.有两个客户提出了严重的抱怨。
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