夏装女办公室拍照技巧视频(全英vlog 这大概就是20+女生自律起来的样子 #vlog日常)
- 办公技巧
- 2023-09-10 19:43:57
- 0
Welcome to another work day of a 25 year old working in finance and fi.欢迎来到25岁女生在投行金融科技组。For my life in selfdiseipline.今天想跟大家分享我自律时的一天生活。Usually I will have some quick and 在厨房做一顿简单健康的早餐。And study a bit for GMAT.然后在职备考学习一段时间。Today lalso quickly purchased some haitaoshop.学完我也在55haitaoshop选购一些必须(一些美护用品和夏装。They have a huge variety of products with discountst.这里的品非常全,而且很多折扣。Easy to find out all the discount infos.可以实去查我喜欢的品牌的折扣信息。Wearing the make up l like.画上自己喜欢的妆容。As well as the clothes.在职场上,In the workspace.→girl is not 100% essential.个人面貌不是绝对重要的因素。But it reflects our state of life.但它却反映着我们的个人状态。Facing the world in the mood of self.用悦已的外表面对这个世界,makes us feel better too.心情也会更好些。Going to the office.出发去公司了。
却有不同的人上演着不同的事。makes us feel pleased.and surprised.也许我们会收获快乐或惊喜。In the office.在办公室。Usually I will ist out the to do listfor.照常的我会在电脑上。先把今天的工作列出一个时间表ist.complete it one after another.然后一个一个的去完成。In the fulillent of completing things.沉迷于打勾的成就感。Off work and going back home.下班回家。I did some quick exercise.快速健了一下身。then plan to sleep early.自律并不是逼自己,像个永动机不断的发电。finstead knowing when to work hard.而是知道什么时候该努力。when to stop and relax.什么时候该停下来享受。only live like this.只有这样,we are truly Soa our lives.才算肆意的生活着~
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