- 办公技巧
- 2023-07-03 00:02:00
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不同时期去外企面试的表现。Why do you want to join our company?为什么想加入我们公司?
初入职场,interested in this position.我觉得这是家很好的公司,我对岗位也非常感兴趣。
首先,an industry that I love 贵公司在我热爱的这个行业里是名列前茅的玩家。I want to learn from the.very best 我想从最优秀的公司学习,and also contribute what l know to making this an even better organization.并且通过贡献自己的所知所学,让这个组织变得更出。
其次,我认为我的经历和专业能力很匹配这个岗位画像。Many of the scopes and responsibilities listed are exactly what I've been doing in the past. 列举的很多工作内容和职责完全是我最近几年在做的。
我很信奉贵公司充满人文关怀的企业文化,and would feel very privileged to work here like this two tube and 过于坦诚,不要为了回答而回答,断送好机会。I need to improve my time management skills. 我需要提升我的时间管理能力。
初入职场,让面试官知道你自我认知清晰+在如何改进你的缺点,体现个人反思能力和行动力。One thing that I've been working on is my time-management skills,我一直在努力提升我的时间管理能力。
因为我那种容易陷入细节的人,I'm someone who likes to dig deep into a lot of tasks 我喜欢深入到很多任务中,but that's not always possible when you're dealing with large projects and tight deadlines. 但如果是大项目,时间线也紧,不能总是这样。
I've learned to de前肢 and FD 新叶 我学会如何拆解任务,排优先级focus on what really matters at a given point in g'铁'clock in 沉思,专注干当下真正重要的事情,and try to leverage more people and resources in anyactions,that I take. 并且采取任何行动时,多撬动用人和资源方面的杠杆。
对加班的态度?How do you feel about working overtime?不假思索地回答,横竖都在给自己挖坑。
初入职场,Yes yes I can accept 神门,可以可以我能接受加班。表明态度,但也体现了足够的思考和灵活性。
It depends看情况,I can accept OT from time to time if necessary 必要情况下,我能偶尔接受加班。
such as working to launch an urgent project,比如在赶着上线一个紧急项目。but I'd also like to be paid for it.但也希望能有加班费。But if it's just a meaningless rat race to see who can work the longest hours or stay behind the original 但如果只是无意义的内卷,看看谁工作时间最长,谁最晚离开办公室。
then I'm afraid that's not for me 那恐怕这不适合我。But know that your company doesn't encourage that kind of ratrace culture anyway. 但我也知道贵公司不鼓励这种文化。
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